Course Comparison

Course Comparison

Comparison of Malaysia Driving CoursesBefore you can obtain your driver license, you will have to go through a series of courses that are specifically designed to improve your understanding of traffic code and teach you how to drive the right way. While the price of the offered packages varies depending on a number of variables such as the location and the quality of the facility, the content of the courses is virtually the same across every driving school in Malaysia. In this article, we will demystify all the moving parts of these courses and outline their characteristics and particularities

Car driving courses The theory part of the course is virtually identical to all types of licenses. You will be expected to attend a number of mandatory courses in order to be able to take theory and computer test as well as the car maintenance test. As far as car driving courses as concerned, you generally have two options to choose from; automatic car courses and manual car courses. Picking one of these courses is predicated on your own preferences and the difference in price between the two packages is small enough that the budget should not be a major determining factor. Below is a brief overview of the main differences between the two.

Automatic car courses Automatic gearboxes are the preferred option for a significant percentage of driving school students. Despite being slightly more expensive than manual car packages, automatic cars are easier to master. Moreover, automatic gearboxes are ideal for driving in the city due to the frequent stop/starts that are engendered by heavy traffic.

Manual car coursesThe main advantage of going with a manual car package is that they tend to be less expensive than automatic ones. Manual cars come with a steeper learning curve and are not exactly the best option for driving in a city, on the other hand, they are substantially more engaging than automatic gearboxes and they provide an overall superior driving experience if you happen to be a car enthusiast.

Motorcycle courses Motorcycle courses are available to anyone over the age of 16. Aspiring riders will receive intensive courses on the basic skills of handling a motorcycle. This includes everything from straight-line riding and stopping to shifting and swerving on the road. Furthermore, several safety drills are taught during these courses and the rider is expected to showcase a high-level of awareness before he is allowed to progress to the practical test.During these courses, all safety equipment will be provided to you by the school. This mostly consists of helmets and safety vests. These items are offered free of charge and are considered part of the course when you pay for your package. More importantly, you will be taught the proper way to use them and you will receive training on how to conduct basic inspections of your motorcycle. Riders who are 16 years old and above are eligible for a motorbike license (B2) and superbike license B (B full).